

Our target community (poorest as well as helpless residing in remote rural area) is mostly illiterate with a very low level of awareness on basic health care in general and in ophthalmic care in particular; people are physically and mentally weak, suffering mostly from cataract and other related diseases.

With the great vision of providing quality eye care facilities for such needy people at nominal prices, Nabarun developed a multistore separate building (eye-care Centre) in the year of 2006-08, with 10 plus bed hospital, treatment centre, OT room, doctor's rest room and a small optical shop. Over the time, we have procured modern medical instruments (like perimeter, sophisticated eye testing tools) and diagnostic devices for eye surgery since years, with the help of donations received from Japan Consulate, government entities and many other distinguished individuals.

Following activities are done by us under ophthalmic charities:

we organize free eye-care camps (with eye ailments sometimes) since early 90's on regular basis, as the weaker section having poor socio-economic background is extremely dependent on such free eye-camp surgeries. However a part of the patients also come from the lower−middle class or middle class background also gets benefits in such camps.

Free medical advice & checkups are done by qualified surgeons for general public with nominal fees, aiming to provide comprehensive quality eye care to all irrespective of their ability to pay, and proper advice against high risks of certain eye diseases.

We are providing a free eye cataract surgery programme (for 5peolple per month) in the memory of Late Mishri Devi Bachawat supported by Jhumarmal Bachwat trust.

Our optical shop (at the ground floor of the building) gives spectacles and eyeglasses at cheapest rates to the poor (having low or limited income) eye patients.


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